Royal Palace in Phnom Penh, Cambodia

Royal Palace in Phnom Penh, Cambodia (Photo by Ming Yan)

Let’s talk about the elephant in the room, shall we?

People assume that folks like me, who travel all over and work from a laptop anytime there is wifi (it is not always a guarantee) must have the most carefree easy lifestyles ever.

Waking up anywhere from 10 AM on, working everyday from the beach, choice of dinner locations and companions every night, party til the dawn…so it goes.

Some people are able to maneuver such an existence.

I am not one of those people.

Now I know what you are already thinking as you roll your eyes and have started edging your mouse towards that little “X” at the top of your browser tab: “What the hell is she talking about? She has no job to wake up for. She has no children to get on a bus. She’s got no boyfriend to get into a fight about dirty laundry on the floor with. She’s got no dirty laundry on her floor because she owns 50 pieces of cumulative clothing. What. The. Hell?”

That’s fair. I really have no need for any structure or routine in my life. I could potentially bounce from hour to hour of everyday in a daze. Not gonna lie, there are days I do just that.

There are other days, however, that I’m on a carefully planned schedule of tasks and obligations that tether me to the real world in a life where I could permanently be floating in the clouds.

I like consistency in my life. Funny statement coming from someone like me, I’m sure.

We all have the same 24-hours every day. How are you spending yours?