Inspired by Date A Girl Who Reads and Date A Boy Who Travels
– which also shows just how desperate many guys are, all they [girls] need is a pretty face and that’s enough to email
– and girls, no matter what they look like or have in their profiles, can feel like rock stars online and get more dates
than they can handle
– The last date I had, she flat out told me she was canceling her profile because she got too many emails. It didn’t fade
with her, and she was just annoyed.
– What he did was write a script to visit EVERY girls profile in whatever location he is going to be.
– in everything you do, make women qualify themselves to what you’re looking for.
– Chicks go crazy trying to get what they can’t have.
– 1) A pic of you in a car – shows you have money (A boat even better) – 2) A pic of you at work – shows you are
responsible (Slacks and shirt will do) – 3) A pic with you and a dog – shows you are kind, caring
– or guys looking to take a hottie traveling with them
– I thought that moving to a village and becoming a wife was every girl’s dream
– This is a numbers game, and if you take the right approach with that mindset, you’ll get more results in less time.
– It will only view women that have been rated as 3, 4 or 5 Star matches by other men… you select the minimum star
– I can pick up women at bars and clubs easily (and I did some of that last night), but I can crush it online.
– And online, I don’t have to deal with drunk girls like I did last night.
– But if you charge a one-time fee you could end up with some sex addict banging every desperately chubby, hairy chick that
responds for the next 3 years.
– Especially when you’re putting overweight women in wheel chairs in their inboxes (not saying you don’t get replies from
hot women
– All a guy needs is a six-figure income stat and that’s enough to email. Then they can feel like rock stars online and get
more dates than they can handle. Girls, you should update your photo to the hottest picture of yourself possible, photoshop
it if need be. That’s all men on dating sites care about anyway, what a girl looks like. Be super coy in your responses
and make them climb the tower to win your first off-line date – guys go crazy for the thrill of the hunt and Prince
Charming-games, practically biological. It’s all a numbers game anyway, the more men you can get to chase after you, the
more you have to choose from. With this choice you don’t have to deal with sloppy drunk dudes like I did last week at the
bar. You don’t have to date those gross overweight hairy guys who probably hang out with their friends all day long working
on SEO or their blog/podcast. Or worse yet, playing video games and participating in those creeper online forum
communities. Sure, you can pick up any guy at a bar (after you’ve made him buy you a couple drinks, of course) but since
there’s such a disproportionate amount of guys and girls on these online dating sites, you can totally crush it online and
then have your choice of the goods.
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