When Peace Like A River

Music has a way of speaking to our hearts in ways which our mind can never understand.  It can make us remember, help us to forget, make us smile and make us cry all in one song.   For me, when I visit my parents’ church, that song is “It Is Well With My Soul.”

This song moves me so much because it reminds me of one of the women who taught me about who I want to be as a person.  And she sang this song in church when I was still a teenager as a way of letting all the parishioners know that she had found a peace within the fact that she was going to die from colon cancer.

When peace like a river attendeth my way
When sorrows like sea billows roll
Whatever my lot – Thou has taught me to say
It is well – it is well
With My Soul

Three out of four of my grandparents died either before I was born or while I was very young.  So when my parents signed me up for piano lessons with our pastor’s wife, Arlene Hamilton, I attached (probably a little unhealthily) to her.  She taught me not only scales and sonatas, but she instilled in me an appreciation and love for music.

Photo Credit: Getty Images – Nacivet

Beyond the music, Mrs. Hamilton taught me so much more.

Many people in a church will think they are examples of what a “Good Christian” should be because they go to church on Sundays and read the Bible on Tuesdays.  They forget the basic foundations of the religion they so fastidiously cling to.

Mrs. Hamilton wasn’t like that though.  Rather than quoting scriptures constantly or using the teaching against people she was one of those people who lived her life the way that everyone else claimed they did.

She taught me that unconditional love is the greatest force in the world.

She taught me that hard work will pay off in the end.

She taught me to appreciate the beauty in the world, not only when there was music playing.

She taught me to laugh at myself and enjoy the company of others.

She taught me to trust in the destiny of life, that things fell into place as they were always supposed to.

She taught me so much more than I could ever put into words on this simple little blog.

She was an amazing example to have as a young woman, a life to aspire to.  And she was taken from me far too early.  Cancer not only took over her body but it took over our hearts.  Everyone who loved her.  In fact most everyone she met.

Since I got involved with Relay for Life a few years ago I have walked in her memory.  I would walk around that track for days until I collapsed if I could just have one day back with her, sitting on the sun porch playing my scales and talking to her.  But I can’t.

However with the monies raised by things like Relay for Life maybe…just maybe…we will one day find a cure.   Because we keep losing too many good people.

And one day another little girl who has a Mrs. Hamilton in her life won’t have to sob every time she hears a song that reminds her of what she has lost.


  1. Amy

    Well thank you. I am now at my desk with tears rolling down my face. This is beautiful and such a tribute to an amazing woman. Mrs. Hamilton was so special to you and I know that she is proud of you every day. Every day. She loved more than anyone and accepted more than anyone. This is just such an example of how cancer sucks so much! We have to beat it, we have to!! Bravo Paco, this was amazing 🙂

  2. Judi

    Thank you Eliza. It was a beautiful read and an outstanding tribute to Mom. You don’ t know how meaningful this is to our family. God Bless You.

  3. Sharon

    I am like Amy, tears rolling down my cheeks. You were very lucky to have Mrs. Hamilton in your life, but my guess is, Mrs. Hamilton was equally as lucky to have you. What a beautiful tribute. I too, have lost someone close to me due to cancer. and your words make me want to put my memories of her down on paper.

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