Three Decades

The day is finally here.

I’ve written about it a bit before.  Mostly about how my friend Melissa (who did my FABULOUS headshot pics here on the website) summed it up to be “touching down” on the age that finally feels right for me.  And if the past 24 hours of awesomeness and smiles and love from friends and whatnot is any indication, “touching down” on my 30th birthday is already shaping up to be pretty swell.

Some other friends have written great birthday/age wisdom post recently, and I totally don’t know that I would want to compete.  And the post that my sister wrote ABOUT me yesterday is so beautiful and poignant and wonderful and about a million other things that I feel like you should all just go read it instead of mine.

My sister Amy & I at our photo sessionPhoto Credit – Melissa Mullen Photography

I tried to figure out what I wanted to say and I kept thinking of stuff that other people have said.  Snippets of wisdom and pieces of advice left in books and movies and letters that left impressions and shaped me.  I want to share a few today in hopes that you will get yet one more glimpse behind the curtain to me and maybe glean some wisdom and advice from these words too.

~ I take the good with the bad – I can’t love people in slices My best friend/dorm roommate in college loved the movie First Knight and this line comes from it.  It’s so true and so often forgotten.  We only cling to and love the good parts of people, and hold the bad parts against them.  Why?  People are like puzzles, without all their pieces there are holes.  I try to remember to love the whole.

~ Doing one crazy thing might make you crazy, but who knows…it just might make you happy… In the name of transparency I must admit, this comes from an ABC Family channel movie with Melissa Joan Hart.  Don’t you dare judge!!!  But it’s just so true.  Crazy things just MAY mean we are crazy.  Not adventurous or bold or outside-the-box, we just might be plain-flat-out should-be-given-a-jacket-to-hug-ourselves-daily crazy.  And you know what?  If that’s what makes you happy, then hug away!

~ I’m selfish, impatient and a little insecure. I make mistakes, I am out of control and at times hard to handle. But if you can’t handle me at my worst, then you sure as hell don’t deserve me at my best. Ah, Marilyn Monroe, the woman oozed so many things.  And though I try to view everyone else in their whole rather than in their pieces, I frequently forget to do that for myself.  But the truth is there’s a worst and a best side to me.  And the people who matter in your life, they’ll be there for you through both.

~ To be yourself in a world that is constantly trying to make you something else is the greatest accomplishment Oh Ralph Waldo Emerson, I think you and I would have been tight if I were alive two-hundred years ago.  Let’s face it.  There are always outside factors and pressures trying to conform you to be what they want/need.  It’s a constant struggle.  The true beauty and accomplishment lies in being who you are, and instead of struggling to be what everyone else wants you strive to be what YOU want to be.

~ You must be the change you want to see in the world Gandhi was just a wise wise dude.  This is one of my two favorites, the phrases you say over and over again in your head to remind yourself of your purpose on Earth.  We cannot expect others to create change.  We CAN work with others, but we cannot ask the world to bear the weight of deep and lasting change without participating ourselves.  It is our duty as human beings to leave the world better than it was when we came in.  So find your favorite and most passionate causes and start being instruments of change.  If you don’t who will?

And finally, my favorite.  No explanation, if you’ve learned anything about me you will understand why this is the phrase that I fall back on when I have lost direction or vision.  It’s often attributed to Ralph Waldo Emerson, but many believe he didn’t come up with it.  I don’t care who did, I just know I’m eternally grateful that they chose to share it.

To laugh often and much
To win the respect of intelligent people and the affection of children
To earn the appreciation of honest critics and endure the betrayal of false friends

To appreciate beauty
To find the best in others
To leave the world a bit better, whether by a healthy child, a garden patch
To know that even one life has breathed easier because you have lived
THIS is to have succeeded

I know that Twitter and blogging and Facebook are just crazy things that many of us do, but to me you are all a piece of my life.  These online tools have given us the ability to create relationships and connections that I cherish.  And judging by the flood of Tweets, Facebook wall posts, Text messages, phone calls and emails I’ve already received at 7:30 AM on my actual birthday DAY I am a VERY lucky and blessed and happy girl.


  1. Emily Jasper

    Happy Birthday!!
    .-= Emily Jasper´s last blog ..Figuring Out the Script =-.

  2. Amy

    This was my thought process when I saw this. 1.) When did she write this? I didn’t even see her doing it. 2.) Aww it’s about her turning 30 🙂 3.) That’s my face.
    I love this post! I love it because you picked such amazing quotes (not a shocker. You’re always good at that), but you picked quotes that you do actually live by. You have your blue days, but you let the light days outweigh any bad day. Red wine, a whoopi pie and some DVR catch up puts you right back where you should be. Smiling 🙂 I love you so much and I hope you are having a wonderful birthday!!!!!

    • Elisa Doucette

      Paco, everything you have done for me this week has contributed to an AMAZING 30th birthday. From the post you wrote down to burgers and beers before Sex and the City 2, I’m so lucky to have you as not only my sister but also a best friend. And I wrote the post at 6 AM, you know, when freaks like me get up. 😛

  3. Susan Pogorzelski


    You know what’s funny…I cannot wait until I’m 30. It’s always been this way. While others may dread it, I’ve looked at thirty as that day when my life will really begin. This isn’t true, of course…And I’m moving forward on dreams that I once reserved for my thirties, but 30 felt like that age when you were really an adult. And I never could wait to be an adult.

    I never felt comfortable with my age…At least, I didn’t until now, in my later twenties. My twenties have always felt like I’ve been waiting for something, maybe waiting for my age (and looks) to catch up with how I feel 😉 I can’t even explain why, not even sure if that makes sense. But I think the later part of the twenties and the thirties are going to rock — I’m excited that you’re there! Because I have every belief that you’re going to rock it, too!

    Hope you’re having a fantastic day with lots of ice cream, cake, balloons, and presents 😉 Because even if you are thirty, it’s totally acceptable to act like a kid 😉

    • Elisa Doucette

      Susan – Cake, presents, ice cream aside my 30th birthday was AMAZING! Started Monday afternoon and continued non-stop from then on. Many great surprises and presents and smiles and happiness. As well any birthday should be.

      I’m similar to you, always feeling somewhere inside that 30 would be “the start” of things. Then at about 28 and a half I realized that I could start making those things happen regardless of whether I ws hitting a “grown up age” or not. Turning 29 was weird, 30 has just felt right. Like I’m finally settled and comfortable with me. I’m so looking forward to the next decade of my life, I see big things happening…HUGE!

      Enjoy the coming into your own-ness that you are already experiencing. The early-mid 20’s is great for exploring and experimenting and everything else…but this grown up thing is pretty amazing as well!

  4. Patrick Pho

    Well Happy Birthday Ms. Doucette! It appears that you’ve grown a lot and I could only hope to have half as much success you have had as a blogger.
    .-= Patrick Pho´s last blog ..The Quarterlife Crisis Series: 4 Years After College =-.

    • Elisa Doucette

      Aw, P Pho, you are too sweet! My successes as a blogger are most definitely a blessing, I’m so lucky to have such wonderful friends and reader. As for growing, the last 18 months of my 20’s we are massive coming into my own experience. I’m so looking forward to what 30 holds with this confidence and ambition…like I’ve never had before.

  5. mehnaz

    Even though I totally wished you, Happy 30th my dear!

    I read Kelly Cutrone’s new book over the weekend (which I highly recommend) and she said that the 30s is where it’s all at. I’m sure yours will rock! She also said “being yourself is a luxury.” Clearly this was a good investment for you, because you’re lovely and authentic. Keep it up, and wishing you many many more good things ahead!
    .-= mehnaz´s last blog ..The World Partnership Walk: Giving Choices =-.

    • Elisa Doucette

      Mehnaz – First off thank you SO much! I even got international hugs from you which was super cool!

      As for Kelly Cutrone’s book I haven’t read it but I just asked my sister (the resident Reality TV guru) and she has heard REALLY good things about it as well. I’ll have to add it to my shopping list on Amazon. I cut myself off for the next couple weeks!

      I like her statement that “being yourself is a luxury” but moreso I like yours that it is an investment. Like the perfect pair of black heels or a 401K or a house, the costs and expense may run you ragged sometimes but in the end what you will get from the investment far outweighs the resources put in. You’re a smart lady!

  6. Ryan Stephens

    My fear now that you’ve finally hit the big 3-0 is that you’ll be more of a grandma than Jenny Blake 🙂

    Hope you’ve had a fantabulous day amiga!
    .-= Ryan Stephens´s last blog ..Interview with GenJuice Founders =-.

    • Elisa Doucette

      Ryan – I was a grandma far before 30, you know that! As for being compared to Jenny Blake, I’ll take that any day!

      And I happen to know a chess champion who masquerades as a young and swinging bachelor down in Texas but in reality he’s prematurely grandpa-ing before our very eyes. Have you me him in your travels yet?!

  7. David

    “To know that even one life has breathed easier because you have lived.”

    By far my favorite! My thinking is that if I have made a difference in at least once person’s life on this earth, then I will die a happy man the day I leave it.
    .-= David´s last blog ..#BiSC Breaks The Cardinal Rule Of Vegas! =-.

    • Elisa Doucette

      David – It has been my favorite quote essentially from the moment I heard it. I have quoted it probably hundreds of times and it’s everywhere I am (office, home, computer, etc.) It’s a perfect reminder of the complexities and simplicities of life. And how tiny impacts can change a person’s life without you even realizing it.

  8. David

    Oh shit, almost forgot…

    HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!! (again)
    .-= David´s last blog ..#BiSC Breaks The Cardinal Rule Of Vegas! =-.

  9. Marian Schembari

    This post makes me totally happy.

    And Happy Early Birthday!
    .-= Marian Schembari´s last blog ..Finding “My London” =-.

    • Elisa Doucette

      Thanks Marian! It made me happy typing it and the week was a full-on time of smiles and happiness. Yay 30th birthday!

  10. Grace Boyle

    I hope you’re having/had a beautiful birthday week, filled with love, happiness, laughter, hugs and surprises 🙂

    This is such a good birthday post – I think everyone could relate and pick up something that resonated with them. So happy happy happy (belated) birthday!! xo
    .-= Grace Boyle´s last blog ..Friday Linky Love – Giveaway Edition I =-.

    • Elisa Doucette

      Grace – I did have a wonderful week…seriously I can’t even begin to explain everything that happened to make it what it was. There was much love, many smiles and overwhelming happiness most definitely!

      I hope everyone got something out of it. And maybe “aha-ed” a thought or two to apply to their own personal mindset and journey. Cause we learn not only from ourselves but also from each other…sharing is caring and all!

  11. Sharon

    Enthusiasm is the yeast
    that makes your hopes rise to the stars.
    Enthusiasm is the sparkle in your eyes,
    the swing in your gait, the grip of your hand,
    the irresistible surge of will
    and energy to execute your ideas
    ~Henry Ford

    We’ve never met, but you seem like a girl (and I do mean girl at 30..) with enthusiasm!
    Happy Birthday

    • Elisa Doucette

      Sharon – Wow, that’s a great quote. I love it! Thank you so much for sharing. 🙂

      And yes, still a girl. I’m clinging to that until at least 45 or so! And much enthusiasm. Makes for a extra-ordinary life. Which is the only one worth living.

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